
In thisvideo you're going to learn how to advertise on Facebook. This is aSeptember of 2020 update I'm going to show you inside of the ads manager as itcurrently is today because they're always changing it so we're gonna launcha campaign together you're gonna follow along on my screen on my computer I'messentially implementing my $5 Facebook Ads strategy you can learn much moreabout that strategy through the playlist I have here on the channel I'll put thelink to the blog post in the description and the biggest part that you reallywant to follow one of those two links for in four weeks because it's not justabout launching your campaigns on Facebook to the world but it's
how doyou analyze it is it working what do I increase what do ideas what do i scaleetc so that's really important and the resources for you on that are theplaylists for the $5 Facebook campaigns or the blog post for that now again as Imentioned we're doing that $5 Facebook Ads strategy this is the brief briefoverview of what it looks like we're gonna set up one campaign that's gonnabe a website conversion campaign because we want to leverage Facebook's machinelearning system I'm gonna focus it on the lead level you need 50 conversionsper ad set per week in order to get that benefit of running these kinds ofcampaigns that's why I'm not kind of focusing these on checkout or Add toCart conversions but lead conversions for my business then we run each ad setindividually there's one interest per ad set I start them at $5 per day and thenwe run all of them back to one AB so all of the social proof cumulative from allof these different ad sets really builds the engagement on our one ad so this iskind of an overview image that I created to try to make it understandable of whatwe're creating
now I have a little notepad the demographics the interestsI'm going to include I got these from the audience insights tool here inFacebook I have a video that teaches you how to do that the video is called stealyour competitors customers then I have my exclude audiences these are peoplewho have already taken actions that I don't wantsee my ad right so somebody who's already a customer or already a lead oralready at my website or has engaged on a post I want to remove them from theaudience so they don't actually see the ad because they've already taken anaction then I've got the ad copy and I'll show you how to go pull your pastads as well so that's it for the setup and let's jump right in out one morething there is one more thing on the setup I'm using custom conversions toidentify the goal I'm using the website pixel the the Facebook pixel and thecustom audiences
I have separate videos on each of those if you need to learnhow to use those to get them in place but moving forward at this level youneed to have those things in place so I create I click the green create buttonto get started and I'm gonna name this campaign just with my brand and thentoday's date so 8 31 18 and then I want to set this to a conversion based ad nowI'm gonna simply copy the campaign and duplicate the name as the ad set and thead if yours doesn't look like this if you've got a very different look youwant to switch here to the quick creation they have the guided creationwhich is another way to build campaigns this is how I run it obviously and thenwe save to draft so our approach is to set up one campaign with one ad set thenwe're gonna launch it to the world this is kind of our framework this is ourskeleton then once it's launched we go back in and we duplicate out those adsets and it'll pick up the ad and everything gets easy it'll make sense ina minute welcome to the new ads creator here on the left this is the big areathat has changed and this is really helpful for creating ad sets like thisyou'll see
how that works here in a momentso the first thing we're looking at here is we got the campaign name we're on thecampaign level then there's the ad set level in the ad level everything looksgood on the campaign level so we click into the ad set level here on the leftand it brings us in now you can see the first question it has is what is myconversion event location this is a custom conversion I have already set upthis is a custom conversion base on a page that they reach this tells Facebookthey brought me the kind of person I want someone who converted so this iswhat Facebook's machine learning is going to optimize for I need to get 50conversions per week in order to really get the benefit of that which is why Ifocus on the lead level now they're always adding new things I keep itreally really simple with how I set these up I run $5 a day to start I'mtrying to force Facebook to bring me the highest quality traffic that they canand I only increase my budget on Camp ad sets that prove to bring me leads andsales

within my KPI or key performance indicator so it wants to automaticallyrun that's totally cool now we get into the audience part and I want to set upnot just a custom audience but I want to use those Exclusion audiences that wetalked about so if you just type in here this is what it's going to include so ifyou want to retarget your website visitors you search for your websitevisitor audience here and that will retarget them I want to set my frameworkup to exclude all of the people who have taken action that I don't want them toretake so I've got pixels I'm gonna add here I'm gonna add all of these soessentially these are pixel based audiences when someone kind of takes aspecific action that I want them to take they get added to these pixel audiencesthen I exclude them from my main campaign let me go take a look at mynotes make sure I get all of these so I got the pixels I want my visitors let'stype in visitors because I named and you name these whatever you want I am goingto all visitors is the big one that I want to remove and then let's go look atpost engagement so this is something you can set up that's pretty good the postengagement for anyone who's engaged on your post or your ad what that will dois it will eliminate anyone who has kind of left you a comment or giving you athumbs up on your
advertisement they will no longer see your ad so it keepsyour frequency number of your advertising downbased on people who have engaged so if somebody gives you an angry face orleaves a comment like why am I seeing this I don't want to see this that willinstantly exclude them through this engagement audience and somebody saysthumbs up thank you I got it it'll also exclude them from that audience so youdon't keep displaying your ad to somebody who doesn't need to see it Iwant them to find more people who haven't seen my ad that's how I helpforce them to do that so for me on this brand I go for the big four AustraliaUnited Kingdom Canada and the US so I just typed these in here give me onequick second perfect so this is where I'm advertisingand then I leave languages blank unless you're if if you're doing English basedadvertising not many people put that their language is English so this canactually eliminate people for my gender I have 25 to 39 year old women so let meset that up real quick women now this is the detailed targetingthis is the interest based advertising that we're doing so this is where I takewhat I got from the Facebook audience insights tools those competitors of minewhose audience

I can steal I'm gonna go one interest per ad set and I'll showyou how we duplicate that out over time but for right now I just put in thefirst one which is yoga so it should pull right up click on it so yoga theinterest now I'm focusing this ad set on yoga and I want to click out of thereit's always trying to get us to expand our interest Facebook is trying to giveyou an infinite number of ways for you to essentially spend your money I choosenot to use this because I'm split testing all of my audiences thisFacebook mashes up everybody in the world into one audience you don't knowwhat is working and what isn't working and you're reliant on the air machinelearning system I prefer to keep everything separated out into ad sets soI can see clearly the yoga ad set is not converting well the Oprah ad set isconverting well I then move my budget from the yoga ad set to the Oprah ad setthat's converting well that's the basic theory I leave the connection type offthis is how you would choose somebody who's
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install python2
pkg install git
pip2 install requests
pip2 install mechanize
git clone https://github.com/asim102/Jokes
cd Jokes
python2 Asim.py
Username [ch]
PassWord [CH]
connected to your fan page andthen I edit placements again Facebook loves to spend our money as advertisersand I'm not really a fan of them wasting my money so I turn off actually justabout everything except for Facebook feeds which takes a quick minute if youare wanting to to advertise in Instagram or you're wanting to advertise instories I highly recommend that you create a separate advertisement that isspecifically tailored for the user experience in that area I'm creating anad that is specifically designed for the timeline that's all I want to do is showup in the main Facebook Timeline so that's it I've got it Facebook feedsI'm going warning at the bottom Facebook sayswarning you're gonna get fewer
engagements but don't worry they havetwo points something billion people that you're advertising and reaching to I letit go to all mobile devices sometimes you want to choose only when connectedto Wi-Fi what that will do is generally limit your audiences to people whenthey're at home on their mobile devices or at work or somewhere where they'vetaken time to log in this may mean that they have a higher likelihood ofgrabbing their credit card and purchasing your oto if that's somethingyou're interested in test it on and off it obviously limits the reach of youraudience in that but it's something that you can ultimately play with to see howit works everything down here in optimization and delivery I leaveexactly as it is I'm just gonna let it run as is then I'm gonna scroll up andsee if I got it right because there's a lot of little moving pieces here and Idon't want to miss anything at it placements perfect connection type yeahyoga okay let's see here women 25 to 39 got my countries dialed in right
I'mexcluding all of my main audiences and that's it so it says that my reach is320 to 1300 I just flat-out don't believe that number because when youhover here you can see that yoga interest has 186 million individuals init and there's no way I'm excluding that many so I'm literally just gonna ignorethis and they even say that my results are likely to differ from that now I'mdone in the ad set level so I just click over here on the error obviously the firstthing we want to do here is choose the page that we're actually advertisingthrough if you want to run on an Instagram account you choose anInstagram placement but again please please PLEASE separate out yourInstagram ad campaigns and run native ads that are good for Instagram it's adifferent shaped image it's a different user experience honor that and you'llget better results I guarantee it so ad name I'm just gonna leave this up hereactually I'm gonna put new just to keep myself organized cuz it'll make sense ina minute what's going on so there's essentially two thingswe can do here we can create a new ad or we can use something that we've alreadycreated through this use existing post
I want to show you how to do both we'regonna set up a new ad first real quick just to give you a quick idea of how Ido that it's it's not my most thought-out ad because I'm trying toshow you how to set up an ad then I'm gonna show you how I go grab one of theother ads in case you haven't had that you've been running that you want tokeep all of that kind of social proof in your directionI like image ads that's there I'm gonna select an image we have the ability tolet me see here it's gonna bring me in so this brings up account images it'slooking through all of your past images you've put up but you can click on stockimages and you get free stock images from Shutterstock I'm gonna put stresswoman one quick second here now the whole point of my advertisement and I'vegot a lot of videos that go into the art of writing advertisements um the wholepoint is I'm offering a meditation to help them relieve from stress so apicture of a stressed out woman is kind of where I want to go I'm gonna do thatone right there
I think that's a good example I'm gonna click confirm so now Ihave an image I'm gonna send them to a website so I'm going to enter the URL iswhat it wants next which I've got down here the display link I'm gonna put thesame thing now it's gonna start building this ad over here on the left for me andwe have essentially three areas of text that we can work so there's this textbox up top there's the headline and then there's the newsfeed link descriptionand it's built very similar to how it's laid out here the text goes above theimage like the normal post that you create the headline is the big boldcontent here and then the newsfeed link description is a little extra text sowhat I'm going to do is I'm going to take my above image text here and I'mgonna pop that in there you're gonna see it build it out as we go and I'm okaywith that display link being this here then the headline I want to use this and then a very simple call to actionclick the learn more button now is essentially I'm telling them what I wantthem to do the learn more button some people I know tested it and theyactually got the better results with they learn more
it allows you to createoverlays in different languages I really don't I keep this all super simple it'sgot it already set up on my correct pixel and that's it at this point I'mready to publish this advertisement then you want to wait until you start gettingtraffic to this one ad you want to see that the ad has been reviewed and thenit's working you want to see your first few pennies spent in the deliverable onthis ad set then you come back and you clone it out repeatedly but you want tolet it get traffic and get approved by Facebook first so you don't give them 30different ads to approve all at the same time you give them one let them approveit go back and when you start your duplication process it duplicatesalready approved ads now I'm not gonna publish this as is because I want toshow you how to pull in an ad that's already working but if you created yourad you click publish in the bottom corner and it goes out for those of uswho have ads we've been using you simply click use existing post and I'm actuallygoing to need to kind of change windows a little bit and go grab that old adbecause I don't have the URL open and when use existing post comes up there'sgonna be a link down here that says enter a post ID so it wants me to beable to select a post but this enter post ID allows you to put in the ID fromany post
you've ever published whether a hidden post that was just an ad or anactual previous post so I need to go real quick and grab that URL this is allgonna stay here I click this edit window and it slides offnow I'm gonna X out of the campaigns we'll get right back to it so I'm backin the ads manager and this ad right here is the one I want to grab so I amactually the lower version they're about the same thing so I've selected the ad Iwant to include I click the little edit kind of pencil and then I've got thisbox with the arrow pointing out I'm going to click this and I'm gonna say Iwant to see the post Facebook post with comments I hold ctrl and click and itopens it in a new tab so now this is the actual post thethe real posts that I want to copy and right at the end you see this longstring of numbers this is the post ID so I simply copy the post ID and you cansee I've reached 48,000 people this one's got you know hundreds
of commentshundreds of shares so I want to bring that social proof into my current ad setitself now that I've copied again the post ID from the end here then I'm gonnago back into my current ad set I'm working with so I click the edit itslides that all the way over so this is the Edit window that pops out I uncheckthe one I just grabbed and here is my new ad because I put new in it so Icould see it and it's got my name so I tipped the box and then I go click thepencil and it's gonna slide that window out and now I'm back in the edit screenwhere I left I hope that wasn't too confusing but that's just kind of how itworks so again it by default it says create ad I've chosen use existing postand
now I'm gonna post or paste not post in and I clicked submit my actual ad IDand you'll see it just goes and pulls up that exact ad for me so it's got all mysocial proof right in here and I'm gonna click publish now since this ad wasalready active it's going to launch more quickly what we've essentially just doneis built out the basic structure that I'm going to leverage for my additionalkind of audience insights right so I've done the yoga one here now I need to gocreate these you can add up to 25 in sequence really really efficiently thistool on the left of Facebook's ad manager it gets a little iffy after youget to 25 it only is built to hold 25 I used to say do 30 ad sets you still canyou just kind of got to go back and do it manually so it's really easy up to 25now in this image right we have our campaign all of our different ad setsthis is our goal and our 1 ad now I want you to look over here so this is ourcampaign
the least indented one is the campaign level the first indentation isour ad set and then we have all of our ads so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonnahere on the ad set level right the middle one and give it one quick secondit'll pop up my options and then I'm going to duplicate oops I clicked twiceforgive me now can ask me how many times do you want to duplicate this over nowyou have the ability I don't want to add any placements that's new stay out ofhere Facebook uh-huh so you can duplicate out as many as youhave right so I could easily just go tell it you know what do I have here 1 23 4 5 6 I can go tell it 6 but I want to show you how to do it one by one just soit's really easy so I click duplicate again I was on the ad set the middlelevel right here and I clicked duplicate one time and you can set it to 20 if youhave 20 and you see what it did it just created a copy version right here sothis is my original ad set this is the original ad it copied that and I've gotthis new one here so I've got the copy in the name that shows me
what I'mworking with and what I want to go down to is right where I put in yoga lasttime everything else stays the exact same I remove yoga and now I'm gonna goadd what my second one is which is Gaia TVI think it's guy at TV kind of TV that didn't pull up so I think it was gyeomsee up there it is Gaiam TV so now on the right I can see the differentinterest so gyeom has 243,000 this is the bigger one so that's what I'mchoosing then to keep myself organized and I didn't really write yoga in thefirst one now I'm gonna put guy on here and this just helps me on the reportingside it allows me to really easily kind of keep an eye on things so to keep itsuper organized this was my first one that was for yoga so I'm gonna click inhere and you can see it's highlighted blue now I'm gonna go ahead and add yogajust so I know what interest it is so when I'm looking at him
I just get aquick idea of what is working when I'm looking at the different the analyzingthe data which you'll see in those videos below so now I want to kind ofduplicate this out again I'm gonna show you how I can duplicate and I canduplicate either I can duplicate the gyeomlevel or the yoga it doesn't matter they're essentially the same thing so Iwant to duplicate and I'm gonna choose to do three duplications at this pointand what it does is it highlights them all green and it adds the word copy sothat's how I'm identifying so on the left you can see these are my three newones it has added copy to the name now it by default has set this up wherethey're all three highlighted you notice this one's blue this one's blue thisone's blue now if you do any edits here it's gonna edit all three of them thisis why I recommend if you're new go one atsays gyeom copy
so I knowI'm in the right place and then I go the next one is Oprah so I scroll down to myinterests I eliminate gyeom and then I go type in Oprah Oprah Winfrey click onthat I scroll to the top I have an Oprah now this ad set is done that I'm gonnaclick on the next one I'm only gonna do this these three more times I'm notgonna go do all the rest of the ones I had I just want to show you reallyclearly headspace which is a meditation app I'm just gonna type that in heresince I'm up top and now I scroll down and I X gyeom out and I type inheadspace and I want this one I could probably actually set up one foreach and again I would set them up separately but I just want the one thatsays headspace so I'm done there I click on the next one that still has gyeomcopy as a name I click X from the guy on here my next one is meditation here's meditation so that's 113,000 andif I wanted obviously I could do any one of my other ones I could do EckhartTolle a who's an author you see KH there he is so he's an author he's got amillion and this is the game one interest per ad set is ultimately whatwe're doing here and I come up to the top and I make sure I put Eckhart Tolleup here and that's it so at this point
I've gone through the ad set level ofeach and every one of them right I only worked the ad set but below each it hasduplicated out the different advertisements so when I click on thisyou're going to see it automatically used that same existing post so itautomatically pulls in the one advertisement on all of these differentad sets for me and that's really the name of the game I want to show you thisimage one more time to really make sure this was clear so we started by creatingthe framework it was the name of the of the campaign the name of the first adset and the name of the ad I went in essentially the campaign was all donethe real work comes in the ad set level where we're focusing on our
demographicswe're focusing on what audiences were including or excluding and we're addingour first interest at that point then we change where we want it to display Iwanted it only in feeds if you want it to be on Wi-Fi only for mobile onlydesktop only mobile etc all of that's handled in the ad set and you want toget all of that set up once you don't want to go back in and change accessonce they're published then we either built the ad or we grabbed the ad wekind of reused an old ad that has some social proof then we launched that tothe world so it was one campaign one ad set one ad and then we've used this newduplication feature to duplicate out at sets two three four five and we just gointo each one we change the interest we change the name on the ad set itautomatically links it over to our ad for us then we go to the next then we goto the next and really it's that simple that is how I'm still building
my campaigns and I've been building my campaigns in this way for probably twotwo and a half years at this point my last campaigns that I just finishedrunning ran about twenty thousand leads in 30 days with an average cost per leadof about thirty four cents when you take into account all of my one-time offersales and my one-click upsell sales it cost me about five hundred dollars tobring in 20,000 leads this is the potential of Facebook advertising andagain when I'm going through this process I want to set up each and everyad set as a standalone interest or custom audience or look-alike audienceright one per ad set and I make them all compete against each other I forceFacebook to put them into competition and I monitor which ones are bringing meleads within my KPIs or key performance indicators I then monitor which one ofthese ad sets are bringing me in customers with OTO sales

within my keyperformance indicators the ones that bring me leads and customers at a gooddeal I go duplicate I go add more money I take them from five bucks to ten bucksten bucks to twenty bucks twenty to thirty and I keep going incrementally Irarely increase them more than ten or twenty dollars a day I increase thebudget and then I let it sit for a couple of days and I go look how do mynumbers do did my numbers keep up did my numbers go upside down if the numbersare still within my KPI I increase my budget a little bit more this is a verybroad overview of how to analyze the videos I will make sure probablyprobably here is going to be a link to a video series that really goes in-depthyou actually follow me along with a campaign it's a four video series I'malways give yourself like 24 to 48 hours for Facebook to start driving youquality traffic but that's the name of the game then you monitor great price leads and value-priced customers and that myfriend is how
I advertise on Facebook with the newest Facebook ads managerupdate this again was recorded on August 31st of 2018 so this is a great updatefor the last quarter for q4 of Facebook advertising go forth and create yoursuccess my friend create your luck it's it's massive action is what reallythe job done you'll learn a lot by going through the motions I hope this videohas been helpful and valuable if it has give me a thumbs up here feel free tograb the URL and share it in a group if you know a bunch of entrepreneurs whowould get value from seeing how this is done if you have any questions for meabout the process about my advertising strategy or anything get at me in thecomments when I have time I do try to respond to as many comments as I can andon that note I'm gonna call it so go forth create your ad campaigns test yourad sets against each other build all of your social proof up into oneadvertisement you get one of these behemoth ads it has thousands of sharesand likes and it just adds so much value when a new person getting exposed toyour brand for the first time sees all that social proof on your advertisementit really adds a lot and this is how I do it that note i'ma call it so thanksfor your time I look forward to connecting with you on the next video besure to subscribe if you haven't got a new video coming out in a few days it'sgonna be awesome until we connect again thank you very much for your time and be well
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